Private 5G in airports:
Ready for takeoff

Discover why innovative airports
invest in private 5G networks

    Video Interview: Paul Puopolo

    Executive VP of Innovation at DFW

    Paul Puopolo shares his experience on the DFW proof of concept with a private 5G network and their plans for the commercial deployment.

    5G Innovation
    at DFW Airport

    As trailblazers in air travel, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport trialed private wireless networks to improve operational efficiency, support airlines and other partners, and improve the passenger experience.

    Network solution

    A CBRS private 5G network was selected because it gives DFW control over the network and the data.

    Network deployment

    DFW leveraged network partners to deploy and operate the wireless infrastructure and services.

    Proof of concept results

    Network performance and reliability improvements increased the efficiency of services such as luggage handling.

    Air traffic interference concerns

    The FAA concern is specifically over the 3700-3980 MHz range, that does not affect the CBRS band.

    Learn More

    Computer monitor with play button icon
    DFW: The airport of the future, enabled by a private 5G network
    Video transcript: Paul Puopolo - DFW private wireless
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    Betacom: Why do airports need private 5G networks?
    Video transcript: Johan Bjorklund - Impact of 5G at airports

    We have partnered with airports nationwide

    In our 30-year history we have worked on many airport projects delivering infrastructure and communication solutions.
    Let us show you what we can do for you.

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